Specialty Area: Allergy
Description of Specialty: The diagnosis and treatment of reactions to foreign substances.
1. Diagnosis: Asthma
Questions that should be asked:
- Why do I get asthma every time I get a cold?
- I have had a cat for years, why am I now allergic to them?
- When I touch my cat, I do not sneeze or wheeze, so why do you think that I am allergic?
- We just had our air ducts cleaned out, will that help?
- Should we move to another city?
- What can I do when I visit other homes where there is a cat or dog?
- Do allergy shots work for asthma?
- How many times can I use my Inhaler?
- Is a nebulizer any better for me?
2. Diagnosis: Hay Fever
Questions that should be asked:
- Do different cities have different levels for things that cause hay fever?
- Do allergy shots really work?
- How long will I have to keep taking shots?
- Can I take my shots at home?
- Are these allergy shots safe in pregnancy?
- Will allergy shots cure my hay fever?
3. Diagnosis: Sinusitis
Questions that should be asked:
- Why do I keep getting so many colds or infections?
- Why do I have so much postnasal drip?
4. Diagnosis: Hives
Questions that should be asked:
- Why am I reacting to this food, when I have eaten it all my life?
- Do skin tests or blood tests help in diagnosing my problem?
- Is there some cream that I can put on these bumps that will help with the itching?
- Will these pills make me sleepy?
5. Diagnosis: Vasomotor Rhinitis
Questions that should be asked:
- Why do I get a headache when I drink only certain wines?
- Why do I get a headache or nasal congestion when the weather changes?
6. Diagnosis: Drug Reactions
Questions that should be asked:
- Why am I reacting to this medicine now, when I have taken it so many times in the past?
I am allergic to so many drugs.
- How can I find out which drugs that I can take without having a reaction?
7. Diagnosis: Hymenoptera Reactions
Questions that should be asked:
- Will the next time that I get stung be worse?
- How long do I have to take shots with the venom?
- What do I do about these large local reactions?
8. Diagnosis: Idiopathic Anaphylaxis
Questions that should be asked:
- Are there not some tests to find out what I am allergic to?
- What can I do to prevent these attacks from occurring?
- How long are these adrenaline shots effective?
- Can I leave my Epi-Pen outside?
- If the liquid in the Epi-Pen is cloudy, what should I do?
9. Diagnosis: Food Allergy
Questions that should be asked:
- Why am I reacting to this food when I have eaten it so many times before?
- Can I take an antihistamine before I eat, so that I will not have a reaction?
- What should I do if I am having a reaction?
10. Diagnosis: Cough
Questions that should be asked:
- Why do I cough and not wheeze and you think that I have asthma?
Scott Sale M.D. Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine Washington
University School of Medicine St. Louis, MO.