Specialty Area: Dermatology
Description of Specialty: The structure and diagnosis of skin disorders including
disorders of adnexal structures (sweat glands, oil glands, hair and nails).
1. Diagnosis: Acne
Questions that should be asked:
- Is my make-up a causative factor?
- If so, what brand should I use? Is my soap a problem?
- If I'm planning on becoming pregnant, will I need to change my treatment regimen?
- Do I need oral medicine to control the acne or can I use a topical method?
- Will my oral contraceptives be a problem if I'm on oral antibiotics?
- Are the generic forms as beneficial as the brand-name items?
2. Diagnosis: Seborrheic Dermatitis
Questions that should be asked:
- Will a shampoo be sufficient to control the disorder?
- Which shampoo will benefit my scalp and not harm my hair?
- Are there any medicines that can be used other than cortisone if it is to be used on a
long term basis?
3. Diagnosis: Tinea Infectious (ringworm, athlete's foot, jock itch)
Questions that should be asked:
- Should the diagnosis be confirmed by either a culture or KOH (microscopic) exam?
- Are the over-the-counter products as good as the prescriptions ones?
- Should the condition be treated indefinitely?
- If I need an oral antifungal drug, are liver-monitoring tests necessary?
- Are there any serious drug interactions if placed on an oral drug?
- What causes it?
- Is it contagious?
- How can I avoid getting it?
- What is the best treatment?
- Is topical treatment as good as oral?
- Are there severe complications to oral treatments?
- Is there a difference between fungal infections of the scalp, body and nails?
4. Diagnosis: Eczema (dermatitis)
Questions that should be asked:
- Can the cortisone product be used anywhere/everywhere on the body?
- Is there a time limit on usage of the product?
- Are there alternative products to use without cortisone present?
- What are the side effects of topical/oral chronic cortisone use?
5. Diagnosis: Actinic Keratosis (pre-Cancers)
Questions that should be asked:
- Can these be treated medically, or is surgery the only way?
- Will the scars that result be worse than merely observing without treatment?
- What can I do to prevent further lesions from occurring?
6. Diagnosis: Basal Cell Carcinomas
Questions that should be asked:
- What are the various treatment possibilities; i.e. what different methods of surgery are
- Are the resulting scars different?
- Are the cure rates different?
- Do only certain surgeons perform certain techniques?
7. Diagnosis: Psoriasis
Questions that should be asked:
- Are there safer ways of treating this disorder (i.e., topically vs. oral vs.
ultra-violet light)?
- What are the corresponding risks of the different treatments?
- Do any offer longer-lasting results?
- If I'm planning on a pregnancy, will any drug interfere with the pregnancy or with
future pregnancies?
- Are there any new treatments?
8. Diagnosis: Urticaria (hives)
Questions that should be asked:
- Are there any medications that can be used that won't cause drowsiness?
- Am I on any medications that can be causing/worsening the condition?
- Do I need any laboratory tests?
- Are any tests conclusive as to the cause?
- Would a biopsy help?
9. Diagnosis: Warts
Questions that should be asked:
- Is surgery necessary?
- Can the over-the-counter products work?
- What is the recurrence rate?
- What is the contiguousness?
10. Diagnosis: Pruritus (itching)
Questions that should be asked:
- Can any laboratory test signify the cause of the itching?
- Are there any methods of controlling the itching other than oral medicines?
- Can a biopsy help in making a diagnosis?
- Do I need a general medical evaluation?
11. Diagnosis: Lasers in Dermatology
Questions that should be asked:
- Is the procedure covered by insurance?
- If not, is there another method which would also be effective, yet cheaper?
- Is it painful?
- Are there complications (i.e. scarring, bruising, pain, pigment change)?
- What is the healing time?
- What lesions do lasers work on?
- Is one laser machine better on one particular lesion than another?
12. Diagnosis: Poison Ivy/Oak (contact dermatitis)
Questions that should be asked:
- How do I identify these plants?
- If I'm allergic to one, will I be allergic to the other?
- What is the best way to kill the plant?
- Is the ooze from the blisters contagious?
- How quickly after exposure will I break out?
- What is the duration of the outbreak?
- Is there a preventive cream?
- Is there a time-window in which I can wash the plant oil off and not break out?
- Can I safety burn the plant?
- Is it still contagious in the winter?
- What are the best treatments?
- Why is one better than another?
Jerome M. Aronberg, M.D. Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology Washington
University School of Medicine St. Louis, MO