Specialty Area: Podiatry
Description of Specialty: A Podiatrist is a physician who specializes in preventing
foot and ankle disorders, diagnosing and treating disorders of the foot and ankle.
1. Diagnosis: Onychomycosis (Fungus) of nails
Questions that should be asked:
- Can this condition be "cured"?
- How long will it take the nail to grow out?
- What can be done to try and prevent reoccurrence of the fungus nails?
- Is the medication for nails expensive if I do not have insurance to cover the
2. Diagnosis: Onychocryptosis (Ingrown toe nail)
Questions that should be asked:
- Can this condition be corrected so that it doesn't come back?
- Will I have to be off my feet very long?
- Will I be able to wear my regular shoes?
- What causes ingrown nails?
- What is the best way to cut my nails?
3. Diagnosis: Verrucae (Warts)
Questions that should be asked:
- What are warts?
- Where do you get warts?
- How long do you think it will take to get rid of the warts?
- What means of treatment are available and are there any risks with them?
- Are warts dangerous?
- Can lasers be used as treatment on warts and what complications are there?
4. Diagnosis: Heel Spurs
Questions that should be asked:
- What causes heel spurs?
- What can be done to help me walk without pain from heel spurs?
- Can steroid injections help me?
- Can an orthotic help my spurs and let me walk more comfortably?
- What type of shoes should I wear?
5. Diagnosis: Plantar Fascitis
Questions that should be asked:
- Is this the same thing as heel spurs?
- What causes this condition?
- What shoes should I wear?
- How long is the treatment before it will get better?
- What is the treatment regime?
6. Diagnosis: Corns
Questions that should be asked:
- What causes the corn to form?
- How can I get rid of it?
- If I get surgery on it, how long will I be off my feet?
- Is there anything I can do if I do not get surgery of my toe?
- What risks are involved in doing surgery of the toe?
- What type of shoes should I wear?
- How much will it cost to do the surgery?
7. Diagnosis: Callouses
Questions that should be asked:
- What causes callouses to form?
- How can I get rid of the callouses?
- What type of shoes should I wear?
- Would an orthotic help my condition?
- Are there any special socks or stockings that I need to wear?
8. Diagnosis: Athlete's Foot
Questions that should be asked:
- What causes athlete's foot?
- What can I do to prevent it from coming back?
- Should I change my footgear every day?
- How long will it take to get rid of it?
- What kind of treatment are you going to use?
- Will over-the-counter medication do any good?
9. Diagnosis: Bunions
Questions that should be asked:
- What causes bunions to form?
- How can I get rid of it?
- If I have surgery on the bunion, what does it entail?
- How long will I be off my feet?
- Do I need to change my shoe size?
- What risks may I encounter?
- Will I need crutches to walk after surgery?
- Where will you do the surgery?
- What type of anesthetic will be used?
10. Diagnosis: Neuroma
Questions that should be asked:
- What causes the neuroma?
- How can I prevent them from forming?
- How can I get rid of them?
- If surgery is performed how long will I be off of my feet and out of shoes?
- What are the complications of the surgical procedure?
- Can they come back?
- Where will the surgery be done?
- What type of anesthetic will be used?
11. Diagnosis: Heel Fissures
Questions that should be asked:
- How can I treat them?
- What can I do to take care of the fissures?
- How often would I need to come into the office to get them treated?
- What causes heel fissures?
12. Diagnosis: Bone Spurs (Toes, Under the nails, Top of the foot)
Questions that should be asked:
- What causes the bone spur?
- What can I do to get rid of the spurs?
- How long will I be off of my feet if surgery is done?
- Do I need any special shoes?
13. Diagnosis: Orthotics
Questions that should be asked:
- How do they work?
- How much of the time do I need to wear my orthotic devices?
- What type of shoes do I need?
- How long will orthoses be needed?
- How long does it take to get the orthoses back from the laboratory?
- How long does it take to get used to orthotics?
- What is the cost of the orthotics?
14. Diagnosis: Ankle, foot and toe injuries
Questions that should be asked:
- How do I take care of this problem?
- "Is it broken?" "I can move it."
- I hear there was nothing to be done to treat a broken toe, is this true?
- If a cast is applied, how long will I need to wear it?
- What is the difference between a "fracture and a break?"
- Should I soak the injured area in hot water or should I use cold water?
- Is surgery necessary for this condition?
15. Diagnosis: Shoes
Questions that should be asked:
- What kind of shoes should I wear?
1. For dress wear?
2. For casual wear?
3. For sports wear?
4. For work?
- What about old shoes, are they still good to wear with my foot condition, etc.?
- What about distortion and heel wear in my shoes?
- How do I know the shoes fit correctly?
- Is it a good idea to resole and/or re-heel shoes?
16. Diagnosis: Hammer toes
Questions that should be asked:
- How did I get these toes?
- Can the hammer toe(s) be corrected?
- If surgery is performed how long will it be before I am back into my regular shoes?
- Will I be off of my feet after surgery and how long?
- Do I have to have surgery on these toes?
- What other methods are there to care for the hammer toe(s)?
- Do I have to wear any special shoes after the toe(s) heal or can I get back into my
(tight) pumps, casual shoes, etc.?
Martin M. Becker, D.P.M. Private Practice, Podiatry St. Louis, MO